Therapeutic Exercise

Physical rehabilitation certified veterinarians create tailored treatment plans to improve your pet's mobility and reduce pain from injury, surgery, or chronic conditions. Exercises are prescribed after a thorough exam by our rehab-certified veterinarians.

In-clinic sessions focus on exercises that build strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. We also provide at-home programs so you can continue the benefits.

Types of Therapeutic Exercises

  • Body awareness exercises enhance balance and coordination to prevent injuries

  • Muscle strengthening builds endurance and supports recovery after surgery or as pets age

  • Stability and balance exercises improve core strength and mobility

  • Sports medicine exercises target agility, speed, and coordination for improved performance

Your pet's treatment plan is customized based on:

  • Specific health condition or injury

  • Goals for rehabilitation

  • Temperament and response to therapies

As your pet improves, protocols are adjusted accordingly. Our knowledgeable therapists are passionate about restoring quality of life through rehabilitation.

Contact us today to learn how customized therapeutic exercises can help your pet regain mobility and live pain-free.

Therapeutic Exercise FAQs

  • Therapeutic exercise refers to a customized program of physical activities and movements designed to improve mobility, strength, flexibility, balance, and overall functional ability in animals. It aims to enhance the recovery process, manage chronic conditions, prevent injuries, and improve overall quality of life.

  • Therapeutic exercise is beneficial for a variety of reasons and conditions, including:

    • Post-surgical recovery after surgeries like TPLO, TTA, FHO (femoral head ostectomy), luxating patella correction, fracture repair, total hip replacement, elbow dysplasia surgery, osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) surgery, amputations, etc.

    • Musculoskeletal injuries like iliopsoas sprain or strain, biceps tendinopathy/tendonitis, supraspinatus tendinopathy/tendonitis, muscle tears or avulsions, etc.

    • Neurological conditions like DM (degenerative myopathy), IVDD (intervertebral disc disease), wobblers syndrome, nerve damage such as brachial plexus injuries, etc.

    • Obesity management

    • Age-related mobility issues from arthritis or other age-related conditions

    • Athletic performance improvement

    • Improve range of motion

    • Overall wellness promotion for puppies, adults, or senior pets

  • At Florida Veterinary Rehabilitation, a licensed veterinarian who is certified in physical rehab will perform a thorough evaluation of your pet's condition, taking into account their medical history, current physical abilities, and treatment goals. Based on this assessment, a personalized therapeutic exercise program will be created to address your pet's specific needs and limitations. Our rehab certified therapists will evaluate your dog or cat during each therapy session and make recommendations or modifications to their exercise plan for that day as well as their home exercise plan.

  • Yes, therapeutic exercises are generally safe for animals. However, it is crucial to work with a trained veterinary rehabilitation expert who can accurately assess your pet's condition and tailor exercises accordingly. This ensures that the exercises are appropriate, properly executed, and avoids any potential harm or discomfort.

  • Absolutely! Our veterinary rehabilitation team will educate you on exercises and techniques that can be safely performed at home to complement the treatment provided at our clinic. They will guide you through proper techniques, precautions, and modifications, ensuring that you can support your pet's progress and well-being in between clinic visits.

  • The duration of a therapeutic exercise session can vary depending on your pet's individual needs and tolerance. Sessions can range from 15 to 45 minutes, including warm-up, exercise performance, and cool-down periods. Your veterinary rehabilitation expert will establish the appropriate duration for each session based on your pet's condition and response to treatment.

  • Yes, therapeutic exercise plays a vital role in injury prevention. By strengthening muscles, improving flexibility, and enhancing body awareness, therapeutic exercises can reduce the risk of future injuries and improve your pet's ability to cope with physical demands.

  • Coverage for therapeutic exercise can vary among pet insurance providers and policies. It is recommended to check with your insurance provider to determine if therapeutic exercise is included in your policy and if any specific requirements or documentation are necessary.